Our Team's Core Values
lient-Focused Communication & Collaboration
istening & Learning
ccuracy & Accountability
apid Response
nnovative Solutions
eamwork & Training
our Contribution Makes A Difference

Client-Focused Communication & Collaboration…
We seek exceptional clients who engage in a two-way partnership dedicated to their financial profitability – they are receptive to our guidance and advice. Our most satisfied clients respect our years of practical experience, our technical expertise, and our proactive planning and communication. They pay our fees promptly in recognition of our outstanding service. Our working relationships with our clients foster frequent dialogue on a variety of levels, whether related to our proposed solutions or to those rare occasions where questions arise about a billing statement. We will empower each client by explaining the basis of any of our recommendations as well as equipping them with the knowledge and tools to participate actively in planning for the future.
Listening & Learning…
We will listen first…then probe with persistence until the client’s business needs are well defined. It is as important for us to know the right questions as it is to have the answers. Our clients may not ask the perfect question or effectively articulate the real business need - it is our role as professionals to look past the literal words and see the business realities and needs by evaluating all relevant factors before responding with proposed solutions.
Accuracy & Accountability…
We will follow best practices that ensure we accurately and completely address legal regulations and our clients’ business needs. While our collaborative efforts may result in multiple individual contributors to the final product, one person will be accountable for the quality we deliver to each client, and will thoroughly review the results for accuracy and completeness before delivery of the solution.
Rapid Response…
We will respond to the needs of each client as if that client was the single most important client of our firm. Our clients will not need to navigate bureaucracy or red tape to receive prompt, reliable responses to their requests for service or advice.
Innovative Solutions…
We will offer innovative solutions that maximize client profitability. We will practice the art of creatively navigating an ever-changing compliance environment on behalf of our clients. We will collaborate amongst associates within our firm, or with others outside our firm as necessary, to offer the most effective solutions that consider the nuances of each client situation.
Teamwork & Training…
We are dedicated to mentoring and developing firm associates, ensuring they exhibit our required top-notch level of professional excellence. Advisors with a particular subject matter expertise and experience will share that knowledge with others in the firm, elevating the overall broad-based bench strength of our practice. Our clients will benefit as more than one individual will be able to respond effectively to their needs.

Your Contribution Makes A Difference…
We expect every associate to contribute to the satisfaction of our clients. We will evaluate each associate’s performance at least annually, and will provide feedback and opportunities for success. Conversely, the management team will respectfully welcome opinions about how we as a firm and as individuals can further improve our performance in the eyes of our clients and employees.
Certified Public Accounting